Love & Relationships

Three Levels of Communication for a New Relationship

Each level will progress your relationship in the right direction.

Building a strong connection takes time and effort, but when you unlock the power of these three levels of communication, you’ll witness the magic that unfolds in your relationship. These levels will guide your new relationship to making healthy progress. Think of it as a house with a lobby, middle floor, and rooftop. 

Foundation Communication is The Lobby

Learn the basics about the person you’re dating and share more about yourself. Discover commonalities, differences, and how each will manifest in the relationship. Learn what they like and don’t like, and give compliments. Also, remember to listen just as much as you talk to create balance. It’s also important to compliment each other and reassure the other person that you are interested in them. 

Intimate Communication is the Middle Floor

Share your deepest desires and specific needs for intimacy and sex to develop a bond on a deeper level. This can include letting the other person know how they make you feel, that you desire to take the relationship to the next level, or your sexual thoughts.

Intuitive Communication is the Rooftop

Seek to become attuned to each other by creating a mind-to-mind and heart-to-heart connection by exploring each other’s bodies and learning more about each other on a soulmate level. 

Photo by: Quianna Richardson – Unsplash

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