Love & Relationships Sex & Intimacy

The Right Way to Say “No” to Sex When You’re Not in the Mood

There is a way to say “no” without ever saying the word “no.”

In a relationship, there are times when you don’t feel like having sex. You could’ve had a long day, you could be sick, or you could be upset with something they’ve done. No matter the reason, there is a way to say “no” without ever saying the word “no.”

Imagine if you wanted sex from your partner, and they said the following statement:

“I love having sex with you because you know how to please my body and make me orgasm. Since you always give me your best, I want to always give you my best, but right now, I can’t because I’m still upset about our argument earlier. Next time we make love, I’ll give you extra oral sex to make up for this. I love you, babe.”

This is how to say “no” while building your partner up and making sure they know you still desire them even though you aren’t in the mood right now. Here are the three steps to do this:

Step 1: Speak up
The moment you feel your partner is about to get romantic, say something. You don’t want to let them start kissing all over your body before you turn them down. That could make them feel rejected, which is never the goal.

Step 2: Affirm & Say it With Kindness
It is essential to say this right, so you don’t make your partner feel rejected. You want to affirm them first and then lead into your words.

Step 3: Give Anticipation for the Next Time
You want your partner to know that although you’re not in the mood now, you will be later.

Photo by: JD Mason – Unsplash

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