Love & Relationships Sex & Intimacy

Chakra Exercises Before Sex Increase Intimacy

It's the foreplay you never knew you needed.

Hey there, seekers of intimate connection, let’s delve into the mysterious world of chakra exercises and how they can heighten the intimacy in your sexual encounters. Prepare to unlock a whole new level of connection that will leave you and your partner electrified and craving more.

So, take a seat, clear your mind, and get ready to explore the untapped potential of your energetic being. Let’s embark on a path of self-discovery, intimacy, and pleasure, where chakra exercises become a powerful tool to deepen the connection between you and your partner. It’s time to ignite the flames of passion and explore new realms of intimacy. It’s time to elevate your sexual experiences to extraordinary heights. This is the foreplay you never knew you needed. Perform each one in order and get ready for the best sex you’ve ever had.

Root Chakra (Red) 

This chakra is at the base of the spine. It is responsible for your sense of security and stability. When your Root Chakra is blocked, you may feel insecure or ashamed about your basic needs, finances, or well-being. 


Sit across from your partner, but close, and make eye contact as you express what makes you feel safe, secure, and confident. This exercise is better outdoors, where your feet or knees are on the earth’s ground. It’s about feeling grounded. For a deeper connection, put your hand on your root chakra. Then, have your partner place their hand on top of yours. Next, finish the sentence “I feel secure when you…”

Sacral Chakra (Orange)

This chakra is in our reproductive organs and lower abdomen. It’s responsible for sexuality, pleasure, and creative expression. When it’s blocked, you may feel frustrated in relationships and lose a desire for sex and a decrease in creativity.


Sit across from your partner with legs crossed, lean in, hold hands, and look into each other’s eyes. Then take turns answering, “When do you feel most creative, sexually open, and uninhibited?” You can also put your hand on your Sacral Chakra and tell your partner what they do that turns you on the most. 

Solar Plexus Chakra (Yellow)

This chakra is in the upper abdomen in the stomach area. It’s the energy center responsible for identity, self-esteem, and purpose. When the Solar Plexus Chakra is open, you’ll feel confident, powerful, and in control of your life. When it is blocked, you’ll feel insecure and introverted and may find yourself anxious and depressed.


Share your power with your partner by letting them know your strengths and weaknesses. Then work together to help each other transform their weaknesses into strengths.

Heart Chakra (Green)

This chakra is in the center of the chest near the heart. It’s responsible for compassion, empathy, and love. When your Heart Chakra is open, you love yourself and others without judgment or criticism. You are loving and feel balanced. When your Heart Chakra is blocked, you feel incapable of giving and receiving love. You may also need more peace of mind and find it hard to trust anybody.


Place your prominent hand on each other’s heart, close your eyes, and tune into your partner’s heartbeat. Breathe in and out, slowly and synchronized, and feel the powerful connection between your energies that expand your heart to let more love into your life.

Throat Chakra (Sky Blue)

This chakra is in the neck and throat. It is responsible for the way you express yourself and communicate. When your Throat Chakra is open, you express yourself authentically, speak honestly, and actively listen to others. When it is blocked, you feel insecure about communicating your thoughts for fear of rejection or that people may misunderstand you and negatively perceive you. 


Put your hand on your Throat Chakra and tell your partner how you feel about them and your relationship. Express what you love, what you like, and what you would like to improve.

Third Eye Chakra (Indigo)

This chakra is in the forehead center. It’s responsible for intuition, imagination, thinking, and decision-making ability. When your Third Eye Chakra is open, you feel intuitive, visualize what you want, and reach your goals successfully. When it is blocked, it’s hard to imagine things going right, it may be to follow through on anything, and life can be confusing with multiple issues.


Face your partner, make eye contact, put your hand on your Third Eye Chakra, and finish this sentence: “If you really knew me, you would know that I…”

Crown Chakra (Deep Violet)

This chakra is at the crown of your head. It’s the chakra for wisdom and consciousness. When your Crown Chakra is open, you feel like you’ve discovered your mission in life and are on the right path. You also feel that your journey will majorly impact the world and those around you. When it is blocked, you may question your knowledge and fear the unknown. Your mission needs to be clarified, and you may feel stuck in your growth. 


Put your hand on your Crown Chakra and tell your partner where you would like to see your relationship in the future. Get into an intimate position where your Crown Chakras are touching, and send loving energy to each other. 

Photo by: Huha Inc. – Unsplash

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